This story is sparklingly, exquisitely, delightful. The sentiment connects deeply to my heart, both in my yearning to set the chaos that accumulates around me right, and my hope to someday accept everything for what it is. And your moments of humor land so perfectly that I'm trying not to wake my husband with my giggling. Of course Pablo is plenty-glittered already!

Thank you for sharing this piece. Please enter it into some journals (and competitions) so more people can read it!

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I love this story Deb. Such a beautiful rhythm to it, I got lost in it, and emerged at the end, I’m pretty sure, covered in glitter!! X

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Deborah J. Stein

Ah, thank you for this one. It took me back to my fave course in college (3D something or other) and we had $5 to make the biggest thing. I doled out 500 pennies to my classmates to throw in the air. The winner released $5 worth of glitter off the bridge that windy afternoon.

I'm also very hung up on a 92 year old with a chainsaw! 🏆 And Peaches, my heart!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Deborah J. Stein

... and i love when you write:

‘It’s the time of year when we all have too much and we share the bounty.’

and adore the feeling of what you get up to in the early morning & when you take Pablo for a walk.

'… all the grandmotherly ghosts welcomed in this way.

Where experiments fail…

We make and write things'

(makes me swoon.)

Peaches is just divine. don't tell Pablo i said that. he will be jealous.

Deb, you are the cat's mittens!

love and hugs from a lady poet:)!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Deborah J. Stein

I cover YOU in glitter. Love you!

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Found you today while searching for this years folktale week dates. Absolutely love this glittery story, and the longing to make things right...or at least a little more bright ✨

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I really loved reading your story. And your watercolour paintings are just gorgeous. Welcome back to writing on substack after summer break and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your art and stories 🌻

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